EU Public Affairs

The regulatory framework affecting businesses in Europe is to a great extent formulated in the EU legislative process. We advise how to get your organisation’s interests taken on board in the labyrinth of this process. We believe in better regulation that profits from the wisdom of stakeholders.

Sustainability & CR

In our transparent world it is indispensable that organizations walk their talk on sustainability and corporate responsibility. With a systematically built approach one can both manage risks and take advantage of improved reputation. Ohela Consulting helps you to build solid foundations for CR and sustainability.

Negotiation Training

Let Professor Sherman D. Roberts who has designed and taught innovative executive programs at both Harvard and Oxford teach your executives how to negotiate at your chosen venue. Now available in Europe through Ohela Consulting.


Ohela Consulting specialises in European Public Affairs, Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility and Negotiation Training. We help our Clients at the crux where regulation and reputation meet corporate bottom line. Our mission is to help our Clients contribute towards better regulation and build frameworks for responsible business that will bring sustained success. We provide tools for results-driven negotiation through our world-class executive training programmes. Read more.